How To Set Up Google Pay shortcut Pixel 6

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Google Pay Shortcut Pixel 6
Google Pay Shortcut Pixel 6

Google Pay Shortcut Pixel 6

Do you need to pay online using your Google Pay shortcut Pixel 6 while buying something or other transactions online? If so, you certainly need the right app to do it. 

Yes, the Google Pixel wallet app is named Google Pay [GPay]. In this good opportunity, you can learn how to use Google Pixel pay by following the explanation below.

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How To Get Google Pixel Google Pay from the Lock Screen

Once you’ve set up Google Pixel Google pay for contactless payments, you can access it directly from the lock screen. 

  1. When your Pixel Phone is locked you’ll see a little card icon at the bottom of the screen, in the right corner. 
  2. Tapping it quickly launches GPay so you can use it to pay for goods. 

If it’s not there, ensure Pixel Google pay is set up for your chosen card: 

  1. Firstly go to “Settings”.
  2. Then Select Display 
  3. Now Go To Lock Screen 
  4. Finally make sure you have the ‘Show Wallet’ toggle enabled.

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Benefits Google Pixel Wallet App

As the customers of Google Pay, you will get some benefits of it. Here are two best benefits from Google Pixel wallet app you can enjoy.

A. Fast and Easy Purchases

Whenever you buy anything, you can purchase them fast and easily. When you have the Google Pay on your Pixel Phone, everything related to purchasing will be easy. 

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Just tap and pay for everything you need.

B. No Cost

Google Pay is a kind of free mobile apps. It is available in the Google Play Store that you can download it without any charge. 

Besides, you also do not need to pay extra transaction fees while using this app to pay something.

How To Pay Using Google Pixel Pay In-Store

Steps on How to Pay with Google Pixel pay in-store

For convenience, now you can easily use your phone to pay for a lot of things online, paying for goods, services, online transactions, game transactions, and many more with Google Pay. 

Here, we are going to tell you on steps about how to pay with Google pay in-store for goods, services, and anything you want in the Google store. 

Tutorials On How To Pay Using Google Pay In-Store

Whenever you see the Google pay logo, then you can use the Google pay service to pay for your things, either in the cash register, or groceries checkout. 

In order to activate your Google pay, you need to make sure to follow these steps. Here are steps on how to pay with Google pay in-store for android phones. 

Pay In-Store Method For Android Phone

  1. Open Your Phone, and unlock it – Turn on your phone, unlock it. If you have a password, open your lock screen. 
  2. Hold your phone, and make sure it faces the payment reader – Hold your phone closely facing the payment method. 
  3. After the payment is done, the blue checkmark then will appear on the payment screen. 
  4. If the checkmark didn’t appear, try to hold your phone properly, or differently, hold your phone closet to the reader, and make sure to clean your screen.
  5. If you are stopped or prompted – Enter your bank pin if asked to, and for larger transactions using Google pay in-store, then you might need to sign a signature. 

If you are having trouble paying using Google Pixel pay in-store, asked for confirmation from your credit cards provider. If the trouble persists, you might need to get a customer to complain from the bank providers. 

If you are using iPhone or iPad, the steps are practically the same, with a few twists and different steps. Now, that was steps on how to pay with Google pay in-store for android phones. 

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